Shipping Informations

Shipping Methods, Estimated Delivery Time and Shipping Fees:
Estimated Delivery Time is calculated as “maximum handling days + maximum transit days.” Estimated delivery date is calculated using days, and also takes order cutoff time into account.

Order Cutoff Time:

2:00 PM (GMT-08:00 Pacific Standard Time)

Handling Time: 1-2 Business Days (Monday to Friday).

Will usually ship within 2 business days (Monday to Friday) of receiving cleared payment.

Details are shown in the followings:

Shipping Method 1:
  • Economy shipping, mainly the USPS Parcel Select Ground Package.
  • Ship To: United States.
  • Transit Time: 5-12 Business Days (Monday to Friday).
  • Shipping Fees: Free for all orders.
Shipping Method 2:
  • Standard shipping, mainly the USPS First Class Package.
  • Ship To: United States.
  • Transit Time: 3-8 Business Days (Monday to Friday).
  • Shipping Fees: $5.50.
Shipping Method 3:
  • Expedited shipping, mainly the USPS Priority Mail.
  • Ship To: United States.
  • Transit Time: 2-5 Business Days (Monday to Friday).
  • Shipping Fees: $22.50.

If you request other shipping method, such as the UPS or the FedEx or Next-day delivery shipping or Express delivery, please contact us to confirm whether it is available / accepted.
Or Contact us.
How much is shipping?
Please see the shipping fee at section "Shipping Methods, Estimated Delivery Time and Shipping Fees". And, you will see it at the checkout page after you select your shipping method.
Where can I track my package?
We will upload the tracking number to your order within 2 business days (Monday to Friday) of receiving cleared payment. Please track it from your order or from the following offical website:


Sometimes tracking infos may be delayed to be updated for a few days. Please don't worry! It is still in transit to you.